One of 74 photos to hang on Street’s wall. (Courtesy Gary Bellomy)

Photos of 74 people will hang on the outside wall of Street’s Fine Chicken during Pride along with this explanation: “The lives of each of these men and women were affected by the brutal murder of a member of this community. He was a good man.”

While Lee Covington’s name and photo will not be among those hung, a transparent bow tie added to each photo. A bow tie was Covington’s trademark. And the portraits are all of members of Cathedral of Hope where Covington worked.

Covington, who was personal assistant to Cathedral of Hope’s senior pastor the Rev. Neil Cazares-Thomas, was murdered a year ago. His killer was sentenced in August to life in prison for the murder.

Gary Bellomy put the installation together.

“About a year ago a group of activists, mental health professionals and various leaders in the LGBTQ community began meeting to discuss the threat of predatory violence targeting our community,” Bellomy wrote in a letter to Pride organizer Michael Doughman. “These photos are a final tribute to a good man’s life.”

Coalition For Aging LGBT developed and funded the initiative.

The 74 images are each 3 feet x 6 feet.

Originally, Bellomy thought the pictures should be laid out on the street, in a style similar to the AIDS Memorial Quilt. However, Dallas ordinances prohibit that sort of display for safety reasons. Bellomy approached Street’s who welcomed the tribute.

— David Taffet