So. Here’s the newest fashion EVERYbody is gonna want hanging in their closet: The “LGBTQ for Trump” Pride Month shirt, for sale right now at

I know, right?!

The so-called president who has failed throughout the two-and-a-half years of his presidency to issue a proclamation recognizing June as National LGBT Pride Month, and whose administration has done everything possible to further oppress LGBT people — supporting “religious refusal” legislation, banning transgender people from serving in the U.S. military, just two days ago eliminating protections at homeless shelters for trans people and just this morning announcing that the Department of Health and Human Services will be roll back regulations in the Affordable Care Act that protected LGBT people from discrimination — wants you to spend $24 plus $7 in shipping and handling on a crappy white T-shirt with a rainbow design that says “LGBTQ for Trump.”

To make it even better, the page with the Pride shirts also notes that “Customers Also Like” the “Official Donald Trump Make America Great Again Hat” in either red or pink and the “Official Making America Great Again Tee.”

As asked in its report on the shirts, “Why in the queer hell?!”

One thing I wanna know (besides whose bright idea this was), if some self-respecting LGBT person were to see someone wearing the shirt and rip it off them, tear it up and shove it down the throat of the person wearing it, would that be a hate crime?

— Tammye Nash